Sexy Pink Heart


This neocities is primarely in "broken" English because I type weird :3 I'm 99% sure that if you replace multiple words with numbers and make word-number amalgamations that you need a warning for that.

There may be some triggering stuff like certain anime (Lucky Star, Azumanga Daioh, Chobits) and cats (felinophobia) because I love anime and cats so much. There are also pee/sexual jokes despite me very much being a minor. Also references to cannabis.
There are moving images. Many moving images.

(Today -> 2day. To, Too -> 2. For -> 4. No One -> no1. Someone -> some1. You -> u. Your, You're -> ur. Sleepy -> eepy, eepers. Sleeping -> eeping. Sleep -> eep, eepers. Forgot -> forgor. Remember -> rember. And -> n. i normally type in all lower case with no apostrophes, n i also put "s" at the end of words, indicating a following "is". I often use emojis (🎉), emoticons (:3), and kaomojis (\(▽ ̄ \ ( ̄▽ ̄) /  ̄▽)/). Also my keyboards like hella broken so forgive me if I add an extra A or S.)

(This neocity was made in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge on a 1366x768 screen)
(On Microsoft Edge, I had to change the size to 90%)